The Uncommon Couch

068: 3 Key Strategies to Tap into Your Body’s Natural Ability to Heal with Sarah Lascano

Have you ever experienced a health issue that had no clear cause or cure? Maybe it’s chronic fatigue, food sensitivities, or a mystery ailment your doctor can’t name.

If so, you might have experienced an energy blockage, which can have a profound effect on your physical and mental health. Luckily, just like your body, your energy can be healed, and you have the power to make it happen.

In this episode, I talked with Sarah Lascano, medical intuitive and energy medicine practitioner, about her holistic healing journey. She shared how a bout with mysterious health issues lead her to explore energy healing and eventually offer it to others. She explained how energetic blockages affect our minds and bodies, and she shared her tips for taking charge of your health.

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • How Sarah found energy healing to manage her health issues

  • Making the shift from receiving to performing energy healing

  • When and how to reach out to an energy healer

  • How energetic blockages affect your physical and mental health

  • How you can start taking charge of your health

  • Using self care to reclaim your health and happiness

About Sarah

Sarah Lascano is founder of RayZen Energy, where she is an energy medicine practitioner, medical intuitive, and best-selling author. She has helped hundreds of clients around the world recover their health and reclaim their life. Sarah holds engineering degrees, is the creator of the RayZen Lightwork Technique, an IET Master Instructor, and a certified BodyTalk Practitioner. She combines her skills with knowledge of the human body to bring powerful and precise healing. It is her passion to help people discover the root cause of their health problems and move forward in health freedom.

Links from the Episode

Alyssa’s Soul Purpose & Future Visioning Workshop

Visit Sarah’s website

Follow Sarah on Instagram

Join Sarah’s Facebook group


“The engineer in me knew that something happened and something triggered my health crash. There had to be a way to undo it.” - Sarah

“Energy healing is what propelled us forward, healed our food sensitivities. And that's where I ignited my passion for bringing this kind of healing to people who feel that there are no solutions.” - Sarah

“I want to help people really know that there's a solution that isn't invasive, that doesn't have side effects that can really heal true physical problems.” - Sarah

“The beauty of energy healing is that it can… be gentle and well, it is gentle.” - Sarah

“The only reason we're not in perfect health is because something's blocking that innate wisdom. So energy medicine is going into the body and removing those blocks.” - Sarah

“The way we know that we're ready is we're getting tired of the way things are. We're sick and tired of being sick or we're sick and tired of being tired.” - Sarah

“When we care for ourselves in the morning and meditate for five minutes, do a little exercise, put ourselves first right before the day, we are dislodging beliefs that we're not worth that.” - Sarah