069: Looking back: How to intentionally reflect on the past year

The Uncommon Couch

069: Looking back: How to intentionally reflect on the past year

Have you taken the time to really, intentionally reflect on the past year?

As we’re all looking ahead towards 2022, it’s important to also take time to look back and appreciate what the past year has brought us. Whether you experienced a boom in your business, a shift in your personal life, or just a quiet sense of clarity, the past year’s lessons can serve to guide you into your next level of growth.

In this episode, I’m walking you through my process of reflecting on the past year. I’m sharing what the year has looked like for me and how I’ve learned to embrace the ebbs and flows in my business. Plus, I’m explaining how I made a profound shift in my business this year following a major shift in my personal life.

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • How I like to reflect on the past year

  • Learning when to slow down and seek clarity

  • Feeling and embracing the ebbs and flows in your business

  • The profound shift in my business and life this year

  • How I learned to take control of my inner emotional state

  • Reflecting on your year without judgment

Links from the Episode

Alyssa’s Soul Purpose & Future Visioning Workshop

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“For me, the early part of this year felt like a blur.” - Alyssa

“I've had a tendency to over schedule, to do too much, and to move at a very fast pace… But what happens as a result is usually feeling like life is a blur and I feel disconnected from my experiences.” - Alyssa

“I like to think about things that I'm grateful for, things I learned, things I let go of and how this will serve me or not serve me, where I'm going,” - Alyssa

“I learned again about myself that I needed to slow down, clarify what I really wanted, and spend my energy in a focused way.” - Alyssa

“When we don't fully learn important lessons in life that are intentionally there for us as part of our life's journey, they keep popping up until we finally get it.” - Alyssa

“I didn't need to do more to receive more.” - Alyssa

“What if you just did the thing that you feared? What if the way you're holding your life in business could radically change? What if it all gets to be a hell of a lot easier?” - Alyssa

“We often put ourselves in this no control space, sometimes as if we're at the mercy of different things that come into our life for different feelings.” - Alyssa

“It turns out I don't need some extra or some external event to call in the feeling of joy or peace or anything. I can create that myself.” - Alyssa

“2021 felt like the year I stepped off the rollercoaster, and I purposely and painstakingly sometimes chose to cultivate my own inner experience.” - Alyssa

“You are always in charge of how you feel, think, react and move through the world. You're in charge of what and how something comes through your intuitive filter and what you want to do with it.” - Alyssa

MINDSETAlyssa Adams