090: Finding your uniqueness: How to stand out in even the most crowded markets

The Uncommon Couch

090: Finding your uniqueness: How to stand out in even the most crowded markets

Do you feel like you don’t stand out when compared to your competitors? Finding your uniqueness and what makes you different is one of my favorite topics because so much of my work is geared toward helping people unpack what makes them unique so they can naturally stand out, get more clients, step into their thought leadership role and increase their income - all while embracing what they’re here to do. 

In this episode, I’m sharing why being uniquely you is an asset. You’ll get a deeper look into how you can uncover the intricate layers of your uniqueness and how you can use the Human Design chart to stand out amongst the sea of competitors. 

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • Why it pays off to embrace your unique lane and brand

  • The problem with helping everyone

  • How to excavate the layers of your uniqueness

  • How to use the Human Design chart to find out how you stand out

  • Why you need to dig in to the definition in your chart

  • Why you should embrace the insights of others on unique gifts

Links:085: What If I Don’t Feel Like an Expert?

Get Your Chart — Dr. Alyssa AdamsWaitlists — Dr. Alyssa Adams


“The most effective strategy is to find what makes you unique, decide how you want to specialize in your practice and get specific about the problem you solve.” - Alyssa

“It also includes digging into your unique gifts and strengths that might be difficult to spot unless we take protected time to explore them.” - Alyssa

“I think when we resist the change, we just make this process harder than it needs to be.” - Alyssa

“Knowing how to define your specialized category of one unique business is, in my experience, the fastest way to get clients and to market effectively.