071: The conflict between who you were and who you’re becoming

The Uncommon Couch

071: The conflict between who you were and who you’re becoming

If I asked you to write a story about who you are now, who you were in the past, and who you are becoming in the future, how different would they be?

The stories we hold on to and tell ourselves about our past versions can keep us in a loop and feeling stuck. We can shift these stories and give ourselves the space and permission to evolve and create new stories about ourselves and our experiences.

In this episode, I’m sharing how to begin noticing the stories about ourselves that we carry and how to adjust your mindset and language patterns. January is a great month to learn more about manifestation and shifting your story. It’s about doing the inner work so you can grow and lean into who you are becoming.

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • How the stories we tell ourselves can leave us feeling stuck

  • Negative language patterns and how to notice them

  • Examples of story-telling in my own life

  • How to shift into a new story

  • The importance of inner work to business growth

Links from the Episode

Register for Alyssa’s Free Live Masterclass: 4 Shifts to Create 10K Months in 2022: Register here


“Give yourself permission to evolve, to grow, to change into the person that you are intentionally creating for yourself.” - Alyssa

“I encourage you to take time to create your new story on purpose and in great detail. Spend time with it every day, or at least every few days. Let it really sink into your consciousness. Start to embody it, and all of a sudden you start to become it. The old stories start to fall away.” - Alyssa

“Shifting your identity in this story is a great way to accelerate any manifestation you're working toward.” - Alyssa

MINDSETAlyssa Adams