111: How to Show Up on Social Media with Shannon Giordano

The Uncommon Couch

111: How to Show Up on Social Media with Shannon Giordano

Social media is a beneficial way to find your audience and connect with them. But, there are so many moving pieces to building a social media strategy for your business, it can feel overwhelming to know where to start. Which platform do I choose? How often do I post? What do I even say? If you’ve had any of these thoughts, you’re not alone, and today’s guest is here to help.

In today’s episode, I’m chatting with Shannon Giordano, who helps entrepreneurs build a social media strategy that works for them and their business. She’s sharing how social media isn’t as scary as it seems and the importance of patience, consistency, and authenticity in your approach. It doesn’t have to be daunting. You just have to show up in a way that feels good for you and the right people will follow.

What you’ll find in this episode:

  • [01:44] What it was like leaving her corporate job to start her own business helping entrepreneurs build a social media strategy, and the importance of routine for productivity and creativity

  • [08:37] Tips for easing into social media, seeing the positive (and ignoring any judgment), and choosing the right platform for you

  • [15:34] The importance of staying patient and consistent with whichever platform you choose,  focusing on quality over quantity when it comes to your followers, and keeping a confident mindset

  • [22:47] How the way people show up on social media has shifted in recent years and how authenticity and empathy go a long way with followers

  • [29:12] How sharing something lighthearted and casual is a nice snippet of insight into your personality

The Uncommon Couch is a show for trailblazing entrepreneurs and change makers who are ready to transform how they think about business growth. It’s a place to explore the evolving edge of business and consciousness and to dive into the psychological and energetic side of entrepreneurship.  

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Shannon’s Bio:

​​Shannon Giordano will tell you she’s not a digital native but she loves social media when it's used for good: to connect us, to share authentically, and to build relationships. She is passionate about helping women business owners and entrepreneurs build a strategy to authentically share their products and services online with the goal of getting the best return on investment from social media marketing. What gets her out of bed in the morning, other than her 4-year-old Chinook, Gracie, and the need to get her kids up for school, is helping business owners and entrepreneurs build the social media community they dream of.

Connect with Shannon


When it's used for good, you're building a community of people who really care about you, who want to know you, who want to know what you do. They want to buy from you. And if they're not in the market for what you do, they recommend you. But it's because they genuinely are getting to know who you are at your core. So I think using it as a tool to bring the passion about your business in real life into the online world and just finding a way that feels comfortable to do that. [09:00] —Shannon

If you think about one ideal client, where are they spending their time? What's their pain point? What keeps them up at night and then share something about the way that you can help them solve that. [14:03] —Shannon

And so I think giving ourselves permission to know that you don't have to be genius every day, but you do have to carve out time to try to create that space and grace and then whatever planning you can do so that every single day you don't sit down at your computer and kind of feel like, Oh, what am I gonna talk about today? [22:08] —Shannon

And I think people are bringing a lot more empathy, a lot more storytelling, a lot more, “I want to connect with you as a human … And also I do this thing, I have this product or service.” [24:38] —Shannon